Recent content by PoManNox

  1. PoManNox

    LSPI in this 1.5T engine?

    Is that chart based on 0w20? The VW spec beats out D1G3 in 7 out of 8 categories if I'm reading it right. I don't knock D1G3 at all because of my lack of knowledge in the specifics, and I do use it in most of my fleet, most of the time. My take is if a ~$19 5qt jug of oil meets D1G3...
  2. PoManNox

    New vehicle with engine light on already

    The reason I asked is I suspected it was going to be the P050D code. This is the "rough idle after cold start" code. Some people on this site are dealing with it. This code seems to effecting 2024-25 model Equinox, Traverse and clones and GM hasn't come up with a fix yet. It appears GM...
  3. PoManNox

    New vehicle with engine light on already

    That is a bummer for sure. Were you able to get the actual OBDII codes? I don't have a lot of faith in dealer service. They don't typically have the resources to troubleshoot. They follow a matrix and swap parts.
  4. PoManNox

    LSPI in this 1.5T engine?

    You don't hear of 1.5T failures on 2018+ like some of the earlier 1.4s, etc. I'm sure the right oil, changed at the right interval for the individual is very important. I do believe a lot of it is/was built into the design unfortunately. I was recently put in a time out on another GM board...
  5. PoManNox

    Howdy from central Arizona

    I mulled that one over with my 2021 as well. I have run 5w30 in it, as that's why I had on hand for my other vehicles. I didn't notice any change in fuel economy, NVH, etc with 5w30 vs 0w20. Who knows if there's any benefit though. Maybe in AZ heat?
  6. PoManNox

    Howdy from central Arizona

    Welcome! Nice looking 2020. Saw your thread over at BITOG as well.😉 I actually added an AVS bug detector to my black 2021 to try to slow down the stone chips. It definitely helps and it blends in with the black vehicle.
  7. PoManNox

    hello all.

    I hear it. Is there any aftermarket electronics tapped in anywhere on the vehicle? This can induce noise and/or all kinds of issues. Other than that, GMs tend to use a single audio amplifier that's shared by the info/entertainment, turn signal click and for all alarms and chimes. Could be an...
  8. PoManNox

    Engine Tick

    A random ticking sound or is the sound in sync with the engine RPMs?
  9. PoManNox

    Had The TPMs Replaced on My 2018 Equinox

    I think most of us old dudes would rather spec a vehicle w/out a TPMS system. Problem is, it's not going away. The manufacturers just keep adding on more and more "safety features". For the general population today, it's pretty much a necessity. I'm more of a walmart or amazon mail-order...
  10. PoManNox

    2021 chevy equinox start then died

    If you turn the headlamps on, then try to start the vehicle, do the headlamps dim or go out completely? I've seen batteries be so bad, the vehicle won't start with a jump. If the battery is original, I would replace it regardless, especially if you've kept auto stop/start active since the...
  11. PoManNox

    2025 windsheild

    Oh man that sucks. We had a bad year in 2023 with deer hits. My wife smoked one in her 2019 Pathfinder that did $9K in damage and a month later I hit one with my 2022 Frontier, which cost $4-5K just for the grille, bumper cover and one incandescent headlamp. We're super careful watching...
  12. PoManNox

    Hello from Wisconsin, 2024 Equinox

    Nice! Welcome! Just curious how a 2024 has 30K miles? Have you owned it since new?
  13. PoManNox

    Had The TPMs Replaced on My 2018 Equinox

    I know the autel hand held TPMS scanners can tell you if the battery is weak in the TPMS sensors. I think the problem generally is, they go from weak to dead w/ no comms quickly.
  14. PoManNox

    Had The TPMs Replaced on My 2018 Equinox

    $500+ is a hard pill to swallow, but I'm with you on this. I'd pay it to keep the light out and TPMS functioning. It used to be common to get about 10yrs out of the sensors. I've replaced one so far on my 2016 8th gen malibu and have another dead one that needs replaced. The shop I use...
  15. PoManNox

    2019 equinox 1.5 awd is jerking

    Could you have a bad batch of fuel? Low system voltage (bad/weak battery?). If you haven't disabled the auto stop/start, you need to do that ASAP. Get one of the hood switch bypass cables off the amazon machine for $10. In general, fuel trims should not be too positive or too negative, as...