I've watched multiple youtube videos. I've reviewed 2 service manuals. All show the same thing, turn wheel all the way to expose the access port, remove the locking screw and remove 2 plastic covers then do as one would expect, unplug the wiring harness, remove the lamp, do the reverse to finish that side. Repeat on the other side.
The pictures show only one lamp. I understand there are separate low and high beam lamps, H11 and 9005. I have replacements.
Are there 2 sockets under the same covers? Or are the references incorrect and i have the wrong lamp(s). I'm familiar with LED replacements for dual filament incandescent halogen lamps, but that's not what the guides show.
The pictures show only one lamp. I understand there are separate low and high beam lamps, H11 and 9005. I have replacements.
Are there 2 sockets under the same covers? Or are the references incorrect and i have the wrong lamp(s). I'm familiar with LED replacements for dual filament incandescent halogen lamps, but that's not what the guides show.