Recent content by Colin Lister

  1. Colin Lister

    Front Camera Sensor (cruise control, automatic high beams) not working

    I had multiple problems with another make of car but fixed everything by replacing the air filter. Might work on a Chevy.
  2. Colin Lister

    2021 chevy equinox start then died

    My 2018, did a similar thing. Started fine but when I went drive forward it died. Was the fuel pump circuit board module. The fuel pump was fine. Not a cheap repair because of where it is located.
  3. Colin Lister

    driving seat gets this vibrating affect while driving?

    😅😅 Newbie.. I preferred the vibration over the audible beeps. But since put on sheepskin seat covers I barely feel the vibration, so using the beeps again.
  4. Colin Lister

    Infotainment Issue

    Yeah I thought the newer cars would have the wireless connection standard. I also thought that connecting via a diffent device and using a USB cable might get around the problem. Cheaper than new phone too.
  5. Colin Lister

    Infotainment Issue

    I fixed my similar connection issues S22 ultra 2018 nox, dropping in an out constantly. Connecting via AA wireless adapter. No issues no what so ever. And using a phone holder with wireless charging and touch control open and close things couldn't be sweeter. Picture included of the Ottocast I...
  6. Colin Lister

    DIC reset

    Hi, thanks for the video. My 2018 Equinox ltz-v DIC shows the 'change oil' warning every time I start the car. I know how to navigate to the rest option and have done in the past to reset it. Also the service centre has done likewise, but now it just doesn't reset. Any idea? Thanks
  7. Colin Lister

    2022 Equinox Display screen freezes up and doesn’t do anything when touched

    Otto cast device or similar. No cable, almost instant connect, Bluetooth has never dropped out
  8. Colin Lister

    Windshield /windscreen replacement

    Does anyone know if I should go Genuine over Generic for the windscreen replacement? Is there a quality or other reason to insist on a genuine windshield. (Aussies call it a windscreen - and I think USA call it a windshield)
  9. Colin Lister

    Front Camera Sensor (cruise control, automatic high beams) not working

    Hi, just an observation to consider. My previous car, (not a Chevrolet), had similar multiple issues, but was remedied simply by a new with an air filter. At just 40k it sounds unlikely, but if you are travelling lots of dusty roads
  10. Colin Lister


    I'm OK with the start stop feature working sometimes. By using the Max demist/defrost options I can disable it when I want. And it only needs to be set once a day. The hood and harness options gives me no choice at all. And yeah my equinox is a 2018 ltv-z model. harness
  11. Colin Lister


    I just turn on the Max demist/defrost button. Turn the fan and temp to desired settings and the Auto Off is off for the day. There is usually no need to do it again until you change the settings again. Not perfect but a lot better than the L option every time you restart the engine.
  12. Colin Lister

    Display Screen Upgrade

    Good luck with your attitude.
  13. Colin Lister

    DIC issue won't reset oil change

    My 2018 DIC won't reset when doing it as specified. Does anyone know another way to reset it, or even a full reset of the whole DIC?
  14. Colin Lister

    resetting service warning

    Hi Agillam I have just been having the same problem with my 2018 ltz-v equinox. Were you able to get it sorted? I don't see any replies were someone may have offered a solution. I do the reset as described, but it stays on 0% oil life remaining, and every time I start the car it shows the...
  15. Colin Lister

    Driver Information Centre settings

    I've done it a both ways and a few more variations as well... hahaha same..