Do you loan it out and do you let everyone in your family that holds a valid drivers license drive it?
Only reason I thought of this is because some friends of mine that had a car that was not in good running condition. The have a little girl and were going to Florida for a week to visit disney world. I thought about offering the Equinox but did not want to make my friend feel inferior and figured he would have asked.
They had car trouble all the way there and ended up costing them a little over $1000's to get back home.
Honestly the more I thought about I did feel bad but at the same time I would not have liked it if I loaned it out.
Only reason I thought of this is because some friends of mine that had a car that was not in good running condition. The have a little girl and were going to Florida for a week to visit disney world. I thought about offering the Equinox but did not want to make my friend feel inferior and figured he would have asked.
They had car trouble all the way there and ended up costing them a little over $1000's to get back home.
Honestly the more I thought about I did feel bad but at the same time I would not have liked it if I loaned it out.