You mean just a bit taller or like ludicrously taller? It's good to get a feel for how off (if) your speedo is right now before the change because you might not need to recalibrate. I have at least a couple of cars over the years that had faster speedos and odos. Camry and Outlander were off by 2.5 mph @ 60mph. Slightly taller tires fixed it. Hehe... I used mile markers on the highway over 20 miles to determine odometer accuracy, which I assume to be the same info used by the computer to show on the speedo. You basically zero your trip odometer right at a nice, even mile marker and go 10 miles and see hiw many miles your odo registered. If you got 10.2 miles at 10 miles, that means when your cluster says 102mph, you're actually going 100 mph, hehe... Going from 205 65 15 to 205 70 15 made it very near perfect on my camry. I know you're looking to calibrate your dash cluster, but this is just for small tire changes.