Hey everyone thought I would post this in here, I have what I believe to be the second pair ever of black housed headlights, made them myself. This is the third vehicle ive done this to and it should've came from chevy like this! I didn't have time for pics during but if I get enough request I will do a right up on them, basically remove the lights, put them in the oven(yes the kitchen oven) for 15 minutes, pry them apart, remove 3 small screws, sand, tape off turn signal reflector and spray whatever color you want! Its truly very easy and is the only way youll get different style headlights for these. I hope to be doing more projects like this soon. Next up is LED taillights with leds surrounding the squares like the new Malibu's. Anyway heres two pictures of the lights installed and right after I finished them! Any questions feel free to ask!