2011 equinox stalling issues?

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Oct 12, 2011
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Has anyone heard ANYTHING like this on the newer equinoxes? >>

Hello I am an owner of a 2011 chevy equinox. My car has 3,000 miles on it and it has just developed this stalling problem!! I am very upset and this car was fantastic and now the dealer has tried to fix it twice. They told me all they need to do is "reprogram the computer"...well, they have done that twice. I just picked up the car yesterday, the tow truck took my car back to the dealer 30 minutes ago. :(

Something IS happening with a stalling problem.


Jun 23, 2010
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North Carolina
Has anyone heard ANYTHING like this on the newer equinoxes? >>

Hello I am an owner of a 2011 chevy equinox. My car has 3,000 miles on it and it has just developed this stalling problem!! I am very upset and this car was fantastic and now the dealer has tried to fix it twice. They told me all they need to do is "reprogram the computer"...well, they have done that twice. I just picked up the car yesterday, the tow truck took my car back to the dealer 30 minutes ago. :(

Something IS happening with a stalling problem.

There is a recall out with this.. The problem is a bad batch of Cam shaft positioning sensors. They have to replace that, reprogram the ECM and change the oil in the process. You might have to push the oil change but they should do it.

The recall numbers in better detail are in some of the posts of this thread.


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Nov 21, 2011
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Uh oh!

Bought my new NOX in June 2011, LTZ 4 Cy...fine for a few months. Then I started to notice the "rattle" on occasional start-ups. A month back, I'm sitting at a McDonald's drive-thru and the car stalls. Just as I take my foot off of the brake to touch the gas, it stalls. I get it restarted. Okay, it hasn't done that since. However, I took it to a local dealer for an oil change and THEN they mention there's a recall on the car. Haven't heard a word about it from any other source, so I mention the rattling on start-up. They tell me that they're waiting for a part and the mechanic did the "reprogramming" part of the recall already. So I returned it today for the part. I can't believe what I'm reading on this site...I've owned strictly foreign and never had weird issues like these. I sincerely hope GM does all it can to rectify these issues in a timely manner. I won't be stuck with a vehicle that isn't safe.


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Nov 29, 2011
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Had some of the same problems described here, however my 2010 equinox ls did not stall. It seemed to have come close while idling. In the past few weeks, would get rattling/flopping noise coming from engine while pressing on gas peddle (this would happen on and off). Also though that the engine noise was loud (from the outside).

Brought it to dealer to investigate rattling/flopping noise. Expected them to find nothing... but they actually did.

From the service report:

Cause: 6065 Balance shaft chain and tensioner chattering.

Correction: Checked engine area. Checked for bulletins and found #PI0202B. Remove intake cover. Valve cover front cover. Camshaft actuators timing chains and chain guides. Replaced balance shaft chain and tensioner. Reinstalled all components. Replaced front cover gasket and valve cover gasket. Timed engine. Installed new oil filter and oil. Cleaned engine area with degreaser. Roadtested vehicle. All ok now. Programmed ECM with the latest calibration.

90537300 Tensioner N 010600
12645237 Chain N 011090
11588844 Bolt N 007360
24435052 Gasket N 002070
12609291 Seal N 004230
12605566 Filter Y 018360

Found quite a difference afterwards... engine noise is way down, no rattling yet and seem to have more response while pressing on gas peddle.

Hope this can help someone!


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Dec 12, 2011
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So I’ve got a 2010 Chevy equinox that was purchased new in the summer of 2009. In July 2011 with 20k miles the car stalled in the driveway, no engine light or warning light of any kind went on. It started right back up but has since stalled when coming to s stop or slowing to under 5 mph 6 times since July. It’s been at the dealer twice and they can’t find anything that registers on their diagnostics tests and are at a loss on how to rectify the issue. It’s getting pretty frustrating to drive a car that is no longer safe to drive. Before I drive it back to the dealer to leave it there and throw the keys through the window and walk away, anyone have similar issues?

My 2010 Terrain has the same exact issue. Has stalled out in my driveway, at a stop sign, at a red light in a parking lot. It's at the dealer now and they called to same it's something with the cam actuator sensor. He claims that will fix a clicking noise you hear when stopped and a rattle you hear accelerating from stop to 10 mph.


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Dec 5, 2011
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2011 transmission problems

I just got back from the dealership about an hour ago. From what the techs tell me, the camshaft actuators could be a problem. There are four of them, two are electrical and the other two are mechanical. They replaced the two electrical ones and if the transmission still acts up they will replace the other two mechanical actuators. I hope this helps someone.


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Feb 23, 2012
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I have had same issues. They replaced 2 sensors which were on recall for factory
dust. Then 3 weeks ago replaced one of the 2 again for defect. I am so angry and
it seems the national trans system is now investigating reports.


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Apr 11, 2012
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Equinox hesitates when gas pedal is depressed

I had a notable hesitation when I would take my foot off the gas and then depress it again, like when you're slow rolling in a left turn lane and the traffic clears. I took my 2011 Equinox to the dealer and they replaced the PCM (Powertrain Control Module). That's the #1 brain in the car (not including the driver). That seems to have fixed the problem.

I've read about that problem enough times to think that it's fairly widespread over a number of model years. If your Equinox requires you to bury your foot in the gas pedal to accelerate from a slow roll (it doesn't seem to be as much a problem from a dead stop since you would push hard on the gas anyway), tell your dealer to check your PCM.

Good Luck.


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Jul 13, 2014
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I have a 2011 equinox. About 2 years ago i had the stalling issue everyone is reporting.The dealership did fix the problem however yesterday the car started stalling again. 4 stalls in 5 min. I hit the Onstar button during my conversation with the lady the car stalled then came the check engine light. This is B.S that the dealerships and Chevy wont correct this problem with these cars. I do have 87 thousand miles on it.. with regular oil changes . Any suggestions??????? I am carrining it to the dealership today for drop off. I do not have a ton of money for them to replace this and that. Any one know where i can tell them to start before i get raked over the coals in them replacing this and that.. Thank you


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May 28, 2015
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2011 Chevy Equinox

My Equinox has been having the exact same issues shutting off while in/and not in idle. It will turn off while driving. Some mechanic told me to get a new battery. It was fine for about 5 days and started acting up again! The dealership said everything was fine! And it did it again when I pulling out of the dealership. I was so furious!! If anyone has found a solution, please let me know!


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May 28, 2015
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I have a 2011 equinox. About 2 years ago i had the stalling issue everyone is reporting.The dealership did fix the problem however yesterday the car started stalling again. 4 stalls in 5 min. I hit the Onstar button during my conversation with the lady the car stalled then came the check engine light. This is B.S that the dealerships and Chevy wont correct this problem with these cars. I do have 87 thousand miles on it.. with regular oil changes . Any suggestions??????? I am carrining it to the dealership today for drop off. I do not have a ton of money for them to replace this and that. Any one know where i can tell them to start before i get raked over the coals in them replacing this and that.. Thank you
I have had the exact same issue. No dealership will admit there is a problem


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Feb 6, 2016
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I just bought a used 2010 Equinox and check engine light came on two days later and it also stalled. Dealer replaced both camshaft acuators. Should I be confident everything is fixed or should I void the purchase? Dealer said they would work with me on this. We love the vehicle otherwise. Vehicle has 40,000 miles on it.
Apr 15, 2016
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2011equinox stalling when at stop light and after I fill my tank.

I have a 2011 equinox with 107, 765 miles on it.
I do regular oil changes and service it when needed
At the dealership only.

Recently I started having problems with it stalling after filling up at the pump.
I get out fill up get back in start it up and go to leave and stall out.
I start it back up and its fine.

I also stall out at stop light's and while I am stopped with my foot on the Break it lurches and sounds like the engine is struggling to stay running.
When I let my foot off the break and press the gas pedal to turn the dam thing stalls in mid turn
and I have to put it In park and restart.

I have two kids still in booster seats and im terrified to drive with them in the car .

What if it stalls in mid turn and i get waffled with my kids in the back seat.

Like so many others the dealership refuses to acknowledge that there is a problem with this car.
And sense it is over the 100, 000 mile warranty
Every time I have to bring it in I'm spending a **** ton of money that I can't afford to spend just for them to look at it and tell me that nothing is wrong with it.

I can make it through a stop light if I jam the pedal and give it more gas .

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this dam car?
And why won't chevy fix this problem.
Is it going to take a family dying in the darn thing
For chevy to recall all 2011 equinoxes.


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Mar 8, 2021
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I have a 2011 equinox. I have had to replace my intake and exhaust solenoids every year for 4 years. That on top of the oil consumption issue and the o2 sensors make this vehicle a huge regret. Luckily the solenoids are under warranty and they happen to go bad about the same time each year so I just exchange them and do it myself.

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