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I have a problem with the TPMS on my 2018 Equinox 1.5 liter. I am getting the dashed lines for all 4 tires. It started out with just one tire on the rear passenger side then the front passenger side went
a few days later. The following week I lost all four tire readings. The sensors in the tires all checked out. It sounds like a problem with the TPMS Receiver. Does anyone know where they hide the receiver
Hey Vern!
Hey Vern!
Most likely the batteries. A tire shop can fix it for you.
I've decided to replace the fuel injectors. Found the pcv port almost plugged up and the valve cover breather line almost plugged. The data that I've collected suggest a rich condition when the stalling occurs. I've already replaced the high pressure fuel pump and isolated the EVAP and electrical systems. If this doesn't work the only thing left is the ECM.
Ok. found the problem. After changing multiple parts and no codes. I started unplugging one thing at a time and running the engine. Found to be a bad oxygen sensor. this was a brand new Denso oxygen sensor. no more problems.
Buenas tardes, quisiera hacer una consulta sobre como desactivar que se active automáticamente la alarma y bloqueo al descender del vehículo con la llave en mi poder. Gracias. Slds.

Hi Jeff, I wouldn't be able to contribute to this mnuch, this is outside of m knowledge, I only work in the IT Space for them.