See if we can figure out if I am smoking something or if my logic sounds right.
I've been messing with 1's and 0's for so long that I may have forgotten Ohms law.
I measured the open (unplugged) current 2.1ma and voltage 5. If true then the pull-up resistor should be about 2.4k ohms.
Backprobed on the factory harness, Pin 1 2.2v and Pin 2 3.8V when the hood is open. Hood closed they are flipped.
Using the schematic to calculate the voltage divider assuming 2400 ohms is correct, then
732/(2400+732) = .233 of the 5v or 5*.233 is about 1.165v. which leaves 3.835. Which fits for the low ohm voltage.
But when I calculate the higher side ...
(1580+732)/(2400+1580+732) = .49 or the 5V or 5*.49=2.45 which leaves 2.55 Which is not what I expected. If the 732 ohm is right then the other has to be bigger than 1580. More like 1100
(2400+732)/(2400+2400+732) = .566, 5 * .566 = 2.83 which leaves 2.17
Again, unless I am smoking something, the bypass resistor should be 3.1k ohms instead of 2.4k.
I did confirm that pin 1 (yellow) was the hood ajar. Could not tell using the scanner, looks like the hood ajar PID was the hood ajar that shows on the dash. Changing pin 2 did not affect the PID or the dash message. So I am guessing the layout is close to the schematic I posted earlier.
All my resistors are at work, I think, and I not planning on being back till the 31st. If I had 4 days of vacation instead of 3, I could have been off the rest of the year.

In case you all have not noticed, sometimes curiosity gets the best of me, and I may have to make a resistor run.