If your battery drains in a week that's a tramedous amount of draw going on.
Hopefully you are still under warranty. If so have Chevy fix it. If not you can do some trouble shooting if you understand and are semi mechanically and electrically apt. It's not real difficult but takes a bit of time troubleshooting.
Search Parasitic battery draw or drain online. Watch a couple videos. You'll need a Digital Multi Meter (DMM) that has the option for amperage readings. You'll need to place the meter in circuit with the battery connection/wiring and probably have someone else read it for you, as you pull each fuse one by one to see if the current draw suddenly drops to less of a draw. Each car has a small amount of parasitic drain for all the electrical components and computer. As more technology comes online the higher the drain. You'll also need to have all the doors etc, shut when doing this. If a light comes on or a sensor is reading this, that's another area draining.
Once you find the fuse that is the culprit, then you must troubleshoot further to see which component within that fuse circuit is draining the battery. There could be a few items on that fuse circuit, or just one. It could also be a short somewhere in the wiring harness, that would be a little tougher to locate but possible.
Good luck, let us know how it goes.