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Hi all! I have a 2019 Equinox Premier with the sunroof. I have also been a tech with Chevy for many years. This is a widespread issue that should 100% be recalled or at the very least a Service Bulletin with a proper repair. The problem is just a poor design. The rear drains and very prone to clogging. It doesn't matter if you use your sunroof or not, the debris gets in past the sunroof glass moldings(normal) but it should make its way out of the drain tube. I have personally worked on countless Equinoxs for water leaks and sunroof issues. They always come back eventually with clogged drains again. My car included. Ive come to grips that this is just how this POS is so I figured I'd get proactive. It always fills the spare tire well up first and it takes a lot of rain water for that to happen. So these issues are going on LONG before the water even sloshes into the back seat and then after a while we will notice the odor or the fogging windows. I purchased a flood sensor and placed it under the spare tire insulator as that's the first thing to get wet. If we could catch it there then we can avoid much bigger issues. I also purchased a flexible tube cleaner to clean my sunroof drains out as a regular maintenance. We shouldn't have to do any of this but alas......
