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New Update:

Got my nox back yesterday after dealer changed out the cam actuators a second time with new stock, instead of the old stock, as instructed by the GM engineer.  They also were told by the GM engineer to change oil to a 15W-40, which they did.  NO rattle at start-up so far after several cold start-ups the last 36 hours.  Will keep everyone posted if it starts rattling again but hopefully this is finally fixed and they can fix others out there by putting in the new stock of Actuators and doing this same fix.  However, if the rattle comes back again they have already said the Mass. lemon law will require GM to replace my nox with a new one.  According to the Mass. lemon law the dealer had their 3 chances to fix and then GM had their one chance to fix.  So, if it's fixed for good then I'll be happy.  If not, then GM will be replacing this vehicle.

On a side note it looks like I am already getting better gas mileage as a result of the fix.  since i've had the car back I am getting 24.9 mpg city. Haven't been on the highway yet to track the highway mpg so we'll see what that is when the time comes.  Before the fix I was getting about 19-20 mpg city.

The only other issue now is the glove box above the radio has been opened twice and broken twice.  I heard other people are having problems with this also, but I consider this minor compared to what I've been through with the engine.  Also, the parts to fix the glove box above radio is on backorder.  Maybe because so many other people are having the same problem with it breaking they ran out of stock to fix these.

I must also say that my dealer was really fantastic through this whole process.  Knowing the engine rattle problem wasn't their fault they, especially the service director, was very patient with me and understood my frustration and anger at times.  But as I told them, it was never personal with them, as it was GM's responsibility to resolve the matter since it certainly has turned out to be defective parts in the engine.  The service director also told me they are changing / have changed the 4 cyl engines for the 2012 nox models.  Gee, I wonder why.

Sorry for the long post but wanted to inform everyone dealing with the same issue and so they could maybe inform friends dealing with the same issue.

Cheers and have a great holiday weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
