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  1. M

    Stuttering and jerking

    This is how an exuinox timing chain rabithole adventure usually begins. Swaping sensors, chains and rockets, phasers and be ready for more. I wouldn't expect to fix it in a week, or even in a month.
  2. M

    Timing Chain Gasket Installation

    It is common practice to cut it, just for time saving. You can keep it, but need to take off more parts in the wheel bay.
  3. M

    2012 timing chain help for anyone. Watch your marks!

    How did you lock the cam phasers?
  4. M

    Newbie with timing issue

    The same parts.
  5. M


    I think it is all because VVT system. When something is getting wrong in Ecotec, like PCV cloggage in my case, it degrades the oil. VVT then tries to remedy it by playing with actuators. That leads to elongation of the timing chain, that maxing the tensioner and then the chain slamming...
  6. M

    P2138 After replacing Throttle Body and Throttle Pedal

    CIRCUIT/SYSTEM TESTING 1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the B107 accelerator pedal assembly. 2. Ignition OFF and all vehicle systems OFF. It may take up to 2 minutes for all vehicle systems to power down. Test for less than 5 ohms between the low reference circuit terminals...
  7. M

    P2138 After replacing Throttle Body and Throttle Pedal

    Sure: DIAGNOSTIC AIDS  If a shared 5 V reference circuit is shorted to ground or shorted to a voltage, other 5 V reference circuits may be affected.  The scan tool 5 V reference parameter should display between 4.8-5.2 V.  A high resistance condition on the accelerator pedal position circuits...
  8. M

    P2138 After replacing Throttle Body and Throttle Pedal

    There are only two repair procedures for P2138 in the manual:  Accelerator Pedal with Position Sensor Assembly Replacement  Control Module References for ECM replacement, programming, and setup And two pages of exercises with a scan tool and multimeter on how to verify between two.
  9. M

    Scan tool

    BlueDriver can scan codes and read some live data, but cannot control anything. For example I can't fully diagnose the evap system, because it requires to manually turn on and off the evap canister valve and check on vacuum levels.
  10. M

    Newbie with timing issue

    Hey, you have the same symptoms as mine: steady RPM on idle, however slightly bucking/vibrating. I'm driving with the OBD scanner constantly now and noticed that Timing Advance is not stable and alternating. I'm not sure what causes that. Regarding P0446, I've revised the EVAP canister and...
  11. M

    Chevy equinox 2011: code p0420

    Manual says: P0420 due to out-gassing of the internal matting. Operating the vehicle at highway speeds for approximately 1 hour may correct the condition. And also: Inspect for the following conditions, which may cause a catalytic converter to degrade:  An engine misfire  High engine oil or...
  12. M

    Desperately need help

    It could be the ignition switch, its wires, or the computer not receiving a signal from the ignition switch, or the computer malfunctioning itself. I would begin by reading error codes, and it may require an advanced reader to diagnose such an unstable issue.
  13. M

    Newbie with timing issue

    Hello, thank you for the photos, I got mine assembled back again, with the both new Cam phasers, all the marks are like on your pictures. Still had camshaft position error codes all over and the engine shut itself off when rev more than 1000 RPM. Codes were P0340, P0097, P0014, P0113. ECM reset...
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    Newbie with timing issue

    Thanks for sharing. I encountered a similar issue after replacing the timing chain, P0014 and P0341. I reopened it yesterday, verified the marks, all were correct. The cam phasers appear fine, moving with the shafts, but I decided to order new ones regardless. I also replaced both camshaft...
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    Newbie with timing issue

    Have you got any luck with that issue?
  16. M

    Timing chain marks question

    Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me with this mystery. It is a 2012 2.4L equinox, it was running smooth while cold and bucking at D on idle when warmed. I opened it up, the timing chain was loose, bought a new set and started to change it according to the manual. First mystery, I have this...