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  1. DLS

    2018 equinox rear wheel bearing

    Wife’s car I never drive but drove it yesterday and could not believe the big roaring sound that increased terribly with speed. I don’t think it’s road noise from tires. It’s bad enough you couldn’t travel in it. It’s at 108k. Is this car known for having bad rear wheel hub assemblies?
  2. DLS

    2005 Overheating

    So do you take heads to machine shop and have them checked and possibly have to get them resurfaced? Do you have to buy new head bolts since these could be stretched? I’ve seen a video on YouTube of what it takes to get it down to do intake manifold gaskets. Didn’t look all that bad but I don’t...
  3. DLS

    2005 Overheating

    Thank you! Makes total sense. I found mechanics comments on receipt that stated intake gasket leak. No coolant in the oil.
  4. DLS

    2005 Overheating

    3.4 engine. Fans run when needed, new reservoir bottle, new thermostat. Can drive 6-8 miles and starts to show overheating. Give the motor a rev up to 3000 and let off and temp goes back to normal, drive more happens again. That sounds like air in system. Belt be slipping on the waterpump...