Search results

  1. Colin Lister

    Windshield /windscreen replacement

    Does anyone know if I should go Genuine over Generic for the windscreen replacement? Is there a quality or other reason to insist on a genuine windshield. (Aussies call it a windscreen - and I think USA call it a windshield)
  2. Colin Lister

    DIC issue won't reset oil change

    My 2018 DIC won't reset when doing it as specified. Does anyone know another way to reset it, or even a full reset of the whole DIC?
  3. Colin Lister

    Driver Information Centre settings

    I changed some items that sowed up in the Info section of the DIC. Now I want to change it again but can't find how to do it. The Home option (as pictured) is not on my screen. It may be the reason Any ideas?