Search results

  1. bowtieman

    How to remove/install door panel 2010-2012 Chevy Equinox Video

    Thank you, yea I wanted to see what type of harness that my Nox had since I was wanting to add the Leds in the door panel as the LTZ's have. So I thought it was a great opportunity to create a how to video to help others if they need it. Didn't find the harness wires I was looking for so maybe...
  2. bowtieman

    How to remove/install door panel 2010-2012 Chevy Equinox Video

    Here is a how to video I made since I could not find any on the web, plus seemed like a lot of people wanted to know how this was done I am sure this will also work for the GMC Terrains since they are very similar. Hopefully this helps some of you and can maybe use it for future references. I...
  3. bowtieman

    Drive with my hands not my feet

    Lol yea i hve seen the roof mounts. If i am driving by myself i just take off the wheels(quick push axels) and carefully slide it over to the passenger seat. And stack it there. If people are with me i have them pop it in the back fully assembled. Here is some pics
  4. bowtieman

    WTH happen to my "Chrome rim"??

    What the heck man , i have never seen that before!! Maybe the chrome rims are bonded to the steel part together and somehow the glue or the pressed wheel came undone. Or someone came in the night and swapped you some crazy alien aftermarket wheels. Sometime i see those on ebay go for around...
  5. bowtieman

    Date of Manufacture

    When you open the drivers side door bottom right hand part of the body. Near the tire pressure specs, ttheir should be a silver rectangle sticker with black font. This will tell you the born date and vin. Just month and year. Hope that helps.
  6. bowtieman

    Drive with my hands not my feet

    Here is another pic how they look not installed, had this set on my S-10. The Equinox has to have a different brake bracket.
  7. bowtieman

    Drive with my hands not my feet

    Since I roll in the wheelchair and was born disabled, I wanted to share my hand control installed on my Nox with this forum since you all are pretty cool! I drive with my hands not my feet lol. These suckers are expensive, and marked up way to much... over $750 for the parts alone not...
  8. bowtieman

    Got my 2012 LTZ mocha steel metallic Nox!

    Great looking Nox!!
  9. bowtieman

    Trifecta Tune Video's

    Awesome video! Wow what a difference!
  10. bowtieman

    2012 Nox Leather Seats vs my Cloth Seats

    I found these aftermarket ones from Katzkin, but they are pricey, I wonder if they are better than factory or more comfortable. check it
  11. bowtieman

    2012 Nox Leather Seats vs my Cloth Seats

    So I was at the dealer getting my oil changed (they gave me a few free ones :) ) I was bored so I was rolling the lot, and saw a nice 2012 Black Granite Nox 2LT, and sure enough it had Leather! When I bought my 1LT I never had the chance to sit in a 2LT or LTZ with Leather and at the time there...
  12. bowtieman

    New Member from Kansas

    Welcome!! Can't wait to see those LTZ pics!
  13. bowtieman

    My new 2012 Black Granite LT Equinox

    Here is another picture of the paint in the sun! I swear this turns different colors from different angles. Sometimes it looks dark green, then purple, black, dark blue, grey, lol. My neighbor was like "I like your new dark grey Chevy you got" lol
  14. bowtieman

    My new 2012 Black Granite LT Equinox

    Yes I really like the way the chrome handles look, thats cool that you made a comment about the handles because, what are the chances that it was your Nox that I was looking at all last week and comparing pictures that really pumped me up to get em since they look nice on yours lol! I lucked out...
  15. bowtieman

    My new 2012 Black Granite LT Equinox

    Thanks all for the nice comments! Yes I love the touch screen as well, that is what really made me get the 2012. It doesn't have nav, but I didn't really need it, if i need to get somewhere I use onstar, or the cool onstar app for iphone, were you can send your ride the directions, start it or...
  16. bowtieman

    Craigslist Score

    those look tough, and prob will wake the dead lol Here is a set i did on my mini truck, they are from and are very loud, i have yet to find someone that has louder ones. I run 145psi on em!
  17. bowtieman

    A couple of pic's from my trip to "CTC 2011"

    Cool pics!! Looks like a good time with alot of nice rides!
  18. bowtieman

    My new 2012 Black Granite LT Equinox

    few more i have the rest posted in the forum's gallery